Friday, July 20, 2012

Reality T.V

I am honestly sick and tired of people complaining about the way reality t.v has gotten. Get the freak over it! We know scenes are scripted. That's why we watch. We know they have nice things. that's why we watch. We know that they have DRAMA. That's why we watch. We know that they have drinking problems. That's why we watch. It is sooo annoying to see all these posts and videos about how they hate the wayy they got. Little advice: Stop watching it then! Seriously there are too many other shows to watch or better yet go find a hobby, go do something else with your hour or 30 minutes. Spend time with your child or something, go to the gym you been avoiding since you got your membership... Something! Like I swear people need to understand the more you watch to talk about how much you hate the show the more views they get, the more views they get the more episodes come on, the more episodes that come on the more money they get and I don't care what no one says if you were getting the type of money they are getting you not getting off any got damn show.. Period!

Lmao I love how people love to just bash a show every week and every week they say it's scripted but still watch it. Don't complain about something you keep doing.

I love the messes on these reality t.v. shows it's not my life and I don't have to deal with the drama, the problems, or the fighting and I love me a little bit of ratchetness every now and again. Need me a weekly dosage of it.

Like I said enjoy the journey I am about to take you on =]


I have been thinking about this word a lot lately. I have no idea exactly why i just know that I believe in this word and I portray in my day to day life this word. Thing is I was never as confident as I have been now. But before we get to me lets see the definition of the word.


  [kon-fi-duhns]  Show IPA
full trust; belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliabilityof a person or thing: We have every confidence in their abilityto succeed.
belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities; self-confidence; self-reliance; assurance: His lack of confidencedefeated him.
certitude; assurance: He described the situation with suchconfidence that the audience believed him completely.
a confidential communicationto exchange confidences.
(especially in European politics) the wish to retain anincumbent government in office, as shown by a vote in aparticular issue: a vote of confidence.

There are many meanings for this word but the one many like to think of first would have to be 1 & 2. "So if we all know what it is and we all know the meaning why don't we have it?" A majority of time we don't have confidence because things have made us second guess ourselves in the past. Or we may have even believed in ourselves at a point but were put down by someone we thought so highly of that we no longer have that vote of confidence. To top it off we live in a society of many contradictions and standards and falsely-hood of how we should be. We encourage people to embrace themselves to our standards then rush to stifle it and that stops their growth into being confident. How can you be confident if you have been stifled in a sense of what it entails? 

But back to my confidence, how I found it again, where I think it went ( lol ) and what it is I did to be more of it. Now I have always been a person who is strong willed and people confused that with confidence, I was just hard-headed. I was always trying to prove people wrong instead of proving to myself that I am more then just what anyone else thinks of me. Regardless if I get one view on this blog or 40 I don't quite care cause I put my best foot forward and did something I would never do and that is speak. I speak a lot and have a lot to say but I would never speak on my feelings or speak on things that impact me. I would get consumed with other people's lives that i wouldn't have a true life of my own and then it hit me like a ton of bricks after talking to countless friends, strangers, associates of what they should do that I need to do it myself. Being a mother helped me with that. I stopped being worried about the Jones' and started being worried about Vastia. I needed to think of me and who I am as an individual. I am proud to say that I am a proud mom, a proud student, a proud employee, a proud friend, a proud daughter, a proud person because of the confidence I found within myself. I underestimated the powers of myself something I tell everyone not to do and I started to just become confident in things I do and just jump into things I like without fear of what others think or how people will perceive things or even how my friends will view things. Love yourself, trust yourself, think things through. 

I am confident because of I LOVE WHO I AM!

Thank you for reading and just enjoy this journey that I am going to take you on cause it shall be interesting lol..