Sunday, June 14, 2015

Thoughts on Rachael Dolezal

Ok so I waited to get all the facts before jumping on bandwagons. Since I've been tagged in a few discussions and refused to until it unfolded. Rachel has not only lied about her identity as a black woman but has made money off of the backs of fake situations that she has been in to "connect" with the blacks she loves oh so much. She paid a man to be her "father" at an event to maintain her facade. I have yet to read all of these ground breaking things she has done for African Americans but I did read how much money she has made from "being one". Those kids she claims to have adopted are her brothers and sisters and were told not to come out and mess up what she had going on. For those who are throwing around transracial, comparing a transgendered person to someone appropriating a culture you need help. She could have done the same amount of stuff as a white woman supporting a black culture. She has taken money from scholarships while perpetrating being black. The NAACP was founded by white people she could have been president being white. She has walked around in Black Face (read up on what black face is I'm not your history teacher). If she was so connected to the black culture she would have known the emotional ties to blackface and how it is perceived by that race. If you have no problem with her appearance and how she carries herself than cool but don't tell others how they should feel about something that obviously bothers many of them. And shut up about how women walk around with blonde hair. THERE ARE BLONDE HAIRED BLACK PEOPLE lmao. There are blue eyed black people. Not only that but systematic assimilation which basically boils down to black people trying to fit into systematic oppression pays a key role in the way some African Americans view themselves after years of self hate.

This woman obtained a position in a woman's organization by committing fraud with those changes!  This women lied about her race culture and heritage to obtain the top positions for the NAACP she infiltrated with lies and deception.

There are many people who only focus on the fact she put on too much bronzer and rocked some styles. Those same people were just talking about cultural appropriation when Amandla Stenberg broke down what it was. One second they hate it but only when the person works for NAACP. Miss me with the bullshit. This will be updated as the thoughts come back to me. I find myself at a lost for words at the self loathing and hatred I have seen amongst African Americans. So in the meantime I will be laughing at the #askrachel memes.


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